Welcome to New York

In 2014 on one of my travels I was lucky enough to get to visit New York City for the first time. It was everything I ever dreamed it would be- right down to the smoking man hole covers and yellow school buses (as an English person who used to have an unhealthy obsession with American high school drama’s when I was younger- this was FAR too exciting for me), I fell in love instantly. I ate deliciously unhealthy foods and did a unhealthy amount of shopping, saw some gorgeous art and danced around outside Juliard- rode in several yellow taxis and became happily lost in snowy central park. It was magical. I promised myself that I wouldn’t stay away for long and thank goodness I will be back soon- I have another trip planned for October this year. Here are a couple of snaps I took along the way- I hope you enjoy!
IMG_1874^After a 5 hour delayed flight on only 2 hours sleep- free airport cocktails at 8am were gratefully accepted. I mean- it was 5pm somewhere right??  20140304_024231 20140304_024559^This is what I look like when I’ve been awake for 48 hours and decide to go for a walk down broadway after a full day of waiting in airports and flying. And when it’s -12 Celsius and nothing feels real- especially not Times Square and especially not finally being in the place you’ve always seen on TV.
IMG_1881 IMG_1883 IMG_1885 20140304_153309 20140304_15442620140304_154159 20140304_195926^Sitting on the steps of the Met pretending to be Blair Waldorf was number 1 on my priority list of things to do.

20140304_204316^ My travel buddy and bad shopping influence Tiffany being oh so inspired by some modern art

IMG_1892 IMG_1893^Breakfast of champions in Applebees 20140305_160945 20140305_193113 20140305_200449 20140305_200453 20140305_210558 20140305_210621 20140305_212336 20140306_005713 20140306_010058 20140306_010927 IMG_1909 ^brrrrr chilly morning walk to get dunkin donutsIMG_1912 IMG_1914 IMG_1915 IMG_1917 IMG_1920 IMG_193120140306_233033 20140306_233315

That’s all for now my lovelies- I hope you’ve had a wonderful start to 2015, because I sure have.

À bientôt~